Friday, July 3, 2009

We win stuff!

The Victoria gang did ok last night at the awards banquet. We all took home a trophy. The 2004 MINI won 2nd in her class, the VTEC also second in it's class and the 68 Cooper S won the Hard Luck Award! !st in my class was the other D series VTEC Riley elf owned by Red Riley. We are packing up and hitting the trail this morning..more updates and photos tonight.. Mike

Thursday was Rallye day, and Rog and I headed of early running around in a few circles right our of the gate until we sorted things out. However we were not alone as Minis were coming and going along the one stretch of road, and most cars were confused for a bit at the beginning as some of the milages were incorrect. We did make it back, and answered most of the questions, by seeing the stuff along the route, or by simply guessing!

The banquet was at the local University building, and was very well organized, with prize draws and award announcements. Phil Wicks entertained us with a few racing stories from his days of racing the Mini and Mini Coopers. I also did a presentation to the room about MMW2010, along with Rick Higgs from the Vancouver club. We handed out over 100 brochures to interested folks.
The banquet ended near 10:30 and we headedoff to pack for our departure. Dave and Adrienne are trailering the Cooper S thanks to Marcel C from Edmonton, who will drive the car he trailerd, and along with Murry will run along with Dave. Dave will get the car to Lethbridge Alberta, where he has a friend he can either leave it with, or help him sort out a tow bar and rental truck to get it home.. So we are two cars now headed back to Victoria..

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