Friday, July 3, 2009

Dave and Adrienne report in

Chamberlain? You're only in CHAMBERLAIN??? We're in Murdo at the Super8 and Marcel's in his trailer. Don't ask. I'm a dork! Anyhooooo...............the mini is getting great mileage sitting in the trailer. Not a speck of trouble. We DID have to pull over and move it up a bit in the trailer as it nearly careened off the road the second we hit the I90. oops. There have been a few wiggly moments as big rigs fly past us at unsuitable speeds. But we get even when we hit the miles and miles of single lanes and the cars pile up behind us. Murray and Bruce left us at Rochester to head north to Winnipeg and then at some point along the road we hear they ran out of gas. They were 2 fields, couple of fences and a highway to the nearest gas station so Murray dispatched Bruce off to fill up the gas can. We toured the pioneer auto show GIFT SHOP and believe it or not Dave bought a BMC pin. We are in for an early night as Dave is all set to leave at 4:00 a.m. He's a maniac. He'll have to go wake Marcel up and let him use our facilities and we'll be on our way. I just hope it's light enough for Marcel to get a picture of his mini in front of Mt. Rushmore. Heck, if you're going to see it once in a lifetime, you may as well see it twice! That's it for us! Off to dreamland. Maybe you'll catch up to us tomorrow as we're going about 55 mph. And for the record Marcel is getting about 42 miles per gallon.

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